The Streetwalker and spouse

The Streetwalker and spouse
Deep River Chinese New Year 2011

Club Heaman

Club Heaman

Friday, July 30, 2010

Life at CFB Petawawa from 1938 to 1955


Camp Petawawa developed from a place for soldiers only to a community with schools, churches, stores, movie theatres, curling rinks and hospitals. In the early years families lived in h huts. Slowly there were homes built. however life in those years was military structured and close knit. it was a unique life style that created a life long bond between the civilians and the military who lived there. I would love to hear more stories about that life. I plan to write about it for the 150th anniversary of Renfrew county. If anyone is interested in telling me more tall tales please phone me at  613-687-1476 or email me.  

Friday, July 2, 2010

Day one of our adventure

We are preparing for our two week adventure Italy. Our first week will be in Pisa and the second week will be at a b&b in Chianti. We return on July 16. So expect us to be sun burnt and tipsy! Bruce will be getting educated in science at the University of Pisa while I get educated in culture.
First stop Ottawa then Montreal then Frankfurt. Arrival  in Florence tomorrow morning.
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Thursday, July 1, 2010


Well few months ago I misplaced my Olympic mitt and blogged about it. Now I will tell the story of the missing passport. The old saying it is always where you left it works double for me! I am notorious for losing items. I am also notorious for packing at the last minute. We are going on a trip tomorrow to Italy. I have been reading about it for weeks and doing the background work to prepare. However I only started packing last night! I knew where my passport was so did not bother looking! Famous last words. My passport has a file in one drawer where it is supposed to stay. However we went on a trip in January and I had the passport in a secure holder with string that goes over my neck. I am also notorious for leaving papers in groups before filing them away. I am also notorious for bringing home lots of souvenirs in the form of books and brochures, ticket stub etc. I left all my Mexico travel stuff in a box to put away later. Later has now arrived! I was frantic – dumper every box of junk in the study, emptied several filing drawers to no avail I cleaned under our bed as well...Desperate measures were called for! I moved the couch in the study! Well it was amongst the dust bunnies! It must have slipped out of the special holder. So lesson learned- put Passport away immediately upon return from any trip!