The Streetwalker and spouse

The Streetwalker and spouse
Deep River Chinese New Year 2011

Club Heaman

Club Heaman

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Constant change at St. George's chapel- service and officiants not always as expected

Do you like surprises? Is your denominational back ground, Presbyterian, United, Anglican, Methodist, Baptist or Apostolic? Well it is possible that you will find a home at the Protestant base chapel. I  have been attending it since 2001 and am constantly surprised. Today we had a beautiful bulletin created by the Presbyterian chaplain Padre Daniel Forget. However on the front cover it said Officiating chaplain Padre Murray Bateman. At the end of the bulletin there was a special note from Padre Forget thanking   Padre Bateman, who is Anglican for taking the service. The note said:  I am glad that Padre Bateman was kind enough to replace me at the last minute, allowing me to represent the chaplains of CFB Petawawa at the Funeral service of the mother of our Chaplain General Padre Dave Kettle. Padre Kettle is Presbyterian.

Padre Bateman preached on Perhaps and being a simple saint= being a servant and being of service. It was a very meaningful service. We are fortunate to have chaplains willing to fill in at a moments notice.
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Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Variety is the spice of life

I attend the Protestant chapel at CFB Petawawa. I am not military,however my father served in the British army and Merchant Navy during WW 2 and my father in law served in the Canadian Air Force during WW 2 so I have some family connection to the effect military life can have on relationships. I decided to attend the chapel at it follows the chaplain branch system of having a Catholic chapel  and Protestant chapel that caters to all the other denomination. So I enjoy the variety of services that each chaplain brings to the congregation.In the last few weeks we have had an Anglican Communion service, a Lutheran service with a baptist "Dedication" of a baby  and a Wesleyan Methodist service. We have been fortunate in having duets sung at two of the service by the choir members.  

St. George's chapel planning a series of Prayer services for the troops -first one was on July 17

On Saturday July 17 St. George's chapel held their first evening prayer service for the troops in Afghanistan.It was fun event as Sandra Easter the Chapel Life coordinator  make the service upbeat by interspersing prayer with  well known songs led by Ian Easter.  Members of St. Francis of Assisi chapel clergy participated in the service. My friends Cheryl and Bill Jackson from St.Luke's church in Pembroke knew all the modern songs which impressed Ian Easter.!  We sang " How Great is our God", "Holy, Holy, Holy", "It is well with my soul" "Gracious and Compassionate" , "Blessed be your name" and "Shout to the Lord", a good mixture of Ancient and Modern. Sandra Easter used prayers from the Lutheran, Catholic and Baptist traditions.She  also made sure there was a direct connection with the chaplains and soldiers in theatre as she  contacted Padre Carol Bateman who is Afghanistan and asked her to tell us who we should be praying for.  I really like the connection with Padre Bateman as she is very practical in her approach to religion and life. The most poignant part of the service bulletin was the front cover as there was a photo of "The Padre Prayer circle following a Canadian ramp ceremony at KAF" Sandra Easter had taken the time to point out the Canadian chaplains who were at the ceremony and the culture of the other UN forces in the group.
The next Task Force 1-10 prayer service will be on Thursday August 19th. It will also be a reminder of Dieppe.