The Streetwalker and spouse

The Streetwalker and spouse
Deep River Chinese New Year 2011

Club Heaman

Club Heaman

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

St. George's chapel is changing again with new chaplains comes a new focus

This summer we said farewell to three chaplain majors: Padre Gerard Vardy who was the Base chaplain, Padre George Scarf who was the senior Protestant chaplain who retired, and Padre Jim Hardwick who was the Brigade chaplain. Padre Vardy has been posted to Wainwright Alberta and Padre Hardwick has been posted to Kingston.
The new Base Chaplain is a Protestant: Padre LtCdr (N) Carol Bateman, who is well known on the base as she has been in various units in the last few years. Her husband Padre Murray Bateman is also a chaplain on the base. As an Anglican chaplain couple they have been active in chapel ministry. Both chaplains have had tours in Afghanistan.
The chaplain responsible for the chapel is Padre Brad Busch, Lutheran who is also part of a padre/clergy couple. His wife Lenora Grauer is also a chaplain on base.  Padre Busch's focus is pastoral.
During the summer the chapel  Sunday activities  are fairly low key as the military are on block leave or moving.
However there is a Vacation Bible school planned for Monday 25th July to Friday 29. It will be run by two chaplain students: one Protestant and one Catholic, as a joint initiative of the two chapels.
Padre Brad Busch is the supervisor, contact him at 613-687-5511 ex. 5433.
Regular Sunday services are still at 10:30 with lemonade as the refreshment afterwards.

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