Come out for a free week of amazing games, interactive lessons and fun music for ages 6 to 12. The theme this year is: Island Odyssey: To the ends of the earth with Jesus Christ. Island Odyssey invites you to go "To the Ends of the Earth" making the connection between the biblical world and the 21st century, between biblical islands and the islands in the Caribbean, South Africa, and the South Pacific. Starting with Paul's evangelistic island encounters, Island Odyssey will teach the good news through Bible story, music, art, foods, crafts, movement, and folklore. Participants will: experience how hearing, seeing and believing are connected, Understand that knowing Jesus influences decision making, realise that a welcoming spirit brings glory to God and be encouraged to spread the good news of Jesus Christ to all the world.
Each biblical island is paired with islands in our contemporary worldview: Jamaica, Barbados, Trinidad, Robben Island, South Africa, and the Fiji islands. Bible stories are linked with these distinctive cultures, peoples, and history of these islands. The outreach emphasis is Haiti, which continues to rebuild in the aftermath of the 2010 earthquake. Participants will learn what has been done and how they can continue to help.
To register please call 613-687-5511 ex. 5434 with your name and email address. You will be sent the registration to fill out and bring with your child the first day of programming.