The Streetwalker and spouse

The Streetwalker and spouse
Deep River Chinese New Year 2011

Club Heaman

Club Heaman

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Leaping into Pulse

Yesterday I took a major step to overcoming my fear of driving to Ottawa. I drove alone on the Quebec side - little traffic.It was slower but I got where I wanted to be in time. I still have to conquer driving on the 417 in the heavier traffic but I will get there. I titled this blog Leaping into Pulse as my reason for going into Ottawa was to attend an evening workshop that is a follow up of the Leap program I took last fall. Shawn McDonnell of Creativision was the coach for the leap program.He has started a group in Ottawa of 12 people who will get together to brainstorm solutions to common business problems. Our first meeting was last night at The Code Factory on Queen Street.

Shawn has an ability to attract people to him.His constant upbeat attitude gets everyone energized. His Passiontoaction philosophy is just what I need now.I am looking forward to getting to know the other members of the group.

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  1. Hi Hilda,
    I tried again and as you will see sucsessfully posted a comment, so this time I'll say I enjoyed your blog and pray you will benefit from the sessions with Shawn.
    Mary Haskett
